Our Mission

The Why

Why start a new online newspaper in these changing and uncertain times? Our answer is simple. We believe in a free press and the American spirit of competition. In addition to our fundamental belief in a free press we hope for the return of civility, optimism, neutrality, and unbiased reporting to our nation.

South Bend is blessed with many great people and institutions. Notre Dame is the best example of the power and good in our midst. Our motto, “The truth is mighty, and it shall prevail,” is borrowed from the back of the Notre Dame laurite medals that the University bestows on the best among us. Our motto serves the purpose of publicly expressing our founding principal and as a reminder of our goal.

Before the printing press was invented most news spread by word of mouth. What a mess that must have been! Today, Facebook, Twitter, and the Internet function in a similar fashion: gossipy, segmented, and a free-for-all way. These eddies of gossip and domestic and foreign manipulation are not trustworthy, driven by division, delirium, fear, and despair. The truth is hard to recognize in the current frenzy of misinformation.

Our goal is for you to find a trustworthy place to rediscover nonpartisan truth and optimism, and not extremes. We are not Republicans or Democrats, black or white, young or not-so-young. We are proudly Americans, while realizing our nation is not a perfect place or even union. Please come along for the ride!

In this first edition, we explain each feature and its purpose. Next week, we’ll launch the real thing.


Government officials should be free to speak their minds and hearts. We fundamentally believe in the sincerity and goodwill of our politicians and their workers.

We want to give them a voice. A chance to frame our problems as potential solutions. To have an uncensored voice. To shape a civil discussion without having to guard against media bias and censorship.

This is a place for our elected officials to beat the drum of progress. However, we are aware that some of their words will just be noise.

We want to acknowledge that government doesn’t have all the answers and, quite frequently, is at the center of the problems. We want to express our belief that government needs to be right-sized for each problem it tries to solve.

Governments tend to continuously grow, but never prune. Governments tend to become cluttered with artifacts of the past and not adjust to changing conditions. Governments tend to address problems but have a mixed record in solving our problems. Finally, governments tend to presume the status quo and not develop breakthrough changes that allow for fruitful change.